Saturday, February 2, 2013


Our official snow fall of the year 2013!!

Here are some pictures of the snow fall in the past three days. You cannot see the bottom of the fence and gate. Yesterday, Ian had shoveled a path from the back door through the gate to the vehicles, but now there is no visible sign of an attempt of a path. 

The cars were lightly covered yesterday evening, but now are completely burried under the snow!

The fence has a layer of snow on it, the shed has a thick blanket on its roof. 

The steps to the porch... and the railing.. all covered in snow.

The front yard again, the red car by the side of the road has its wheels half covered.

This next picture is of my neighbor and cousin Mark's house.. look at the railing of his steps (he was gone a couple days and the snow has not been cleared off yet) 

This last picture is in the back yard, trying to focus on the flower pot. 

I think in total there are about 8"-10" and more still coming down!

Snow is a beauty when you don't have to go out into it. We all are happy for the snow.. we hope and pray this means a good year of crop for the farmers and a minimum of bugs and mosquitos in the summer.

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