Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Wow, we are halfway through July already! This summer has passed by really fast, and I don't know about you all but I feel like all the things I wanted to do this summer has not been done yet. But I am not complaining seeing as August is a pretty busy month. I have been working A LOT... my excuse for not posting anything on here in a while.

A little update on the past month.... crazy thunderstorms came upon us.. with lots of wind... took down some branches in the front yard of everyone on my street. Then we had this shoot last week, there were 7 killed and a car chase before the shooter ended up killing himself. Sad, those 7 victims are being buried this week. We thank God there were not more victims.

Hope your summer is going good!

Drinking From My Saucer

I've Never Made A Fortune
and It's Probably Too Late Now
but I Don't Worry About That Much
i'm Happy Anyhow
and As I Go Along Life's Journey
i'm Reaping Better Than I Sow
i'm Drinking From My Saucer
'cause My Cup Has Overflowed

haven't Got A Lot Of Riches
and Sometimes The Going's Tough
but I've Got Loving Ones Around Me
and That Makes Me Rich Enough
i Thank God For His Blessings
and The Mercies He's Bestowed
i'm Drinking From My Saucer
'cause My Cup Has Overflowed

o, Remember Times When Things
went Wrong
my Faith Wore Somewhat Thin
but All At Once The Dark Clouds Broke
and Sun Peeped Through Again
so Lord, Help Me Not To Gripe
about The Tough Rows That I've Hoed
i'm Drinking From My Saucer
"cause My Cup Has Overflowed

if God Gives Me Strength And Courage
when The Way Grows Steep And Rough
i'll Not Ask For Other Blessings
i'm Already Blessed Enough
and May I Never Be Too Busy
to Help Others Bear Their Loads
then I'll Keep Drinking From My Saucer
"cause My Cup Has Overflowed!"