Monday, April 8, 2013

What we must do before abortion is illegal

I know, I know, the title doesn't seem to make sense. But if you read this article I just read about abortion and what we must do before abortion is illegal in the US, you just might agree with me!

The author talks about all the problems we have in our country with how kids are raised:
"As long as teenagers are encouraged to believe that they are mature enough to have sex, that sex is “no big deal,” that being promiscuous is cool, that birth control pills are harmless and fail-safe, and that condoms make all your problems go away, we are going to keep seeing unplanned pregnancies."
She is blunt and completely accurate. How do we tell the young people to stop doing what they have been taught is OK all along?
"We can never stop all unplanned pregnancies from happening. Human nature is what it is; people fail to live up to standards every day. But the first and essential step is having standards. As a society, we simply don’t anymore. Mothers put their 15-year-old daughters on the pill and buy them Ke$ha CDs."
Trust me, I don't want know what Ke$ha CD's she is referring to, but I have a sense of what she is talking about. Just go to the mall, the movies, downtown at night. IT is all there for our eyes to see if we just LOOK.
"There has to be a paradigm shift. We need to begin to make young women understand that being slutty is not synonymous with being cool, funny, and smart. We need to show them that in today’s culture, not rebelling against traditional morality is the truly rebellious thing."
And this is so important in a young girls life (and even in the young boys lives):
 "And it’s a chain reaction: those young women will raise strong daughters whose daddies showed them enough love that they don’t need to give anyone a lap dance to feel worthy, and whose mothers showed them enough discipline that they can tell boys “no” without feeling like the world is going to end."
"Speaking of which: the media is our greatest enemy in this fight for the minds and hearts of youth. Being promiscuous, dumb, and reckless is easy, flashy, fun, and on every single channel. New media is the key to getting our message across. And we have to do it now. There is no time to waste. I saw a roughly 11-year-old girl the other day walking around at the mall wearing a Playboy bunny T-shirt. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call rock bottom."
One more quote from her article:
"There is hope for the younger generations. We have to lead by example among our peers and those who look up to us. We have to show them that leaving behind ego and instant gratification doesn’t mean leaving behind your brain or your sense of fun."

If you want to read the whole article, click here. But keep in mind she is honest and blunt.  

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