Monday, January 11, 2016


Psalm 113
Praise God: ye servants of the Lord,
O praise, the Lord's name praise.
Yea, blessed be the name of God
from this time forth always.
From rising sun to where it sets,
God's name is to be praised.
Above all nations God is high,
above heavens His glory raised.

With praise and thanksgiving, we want to share with you all we are expecting again. We have had a couple early ultrasounds that have shown all going well with the baby. We are taking precaution and doing what we physically and humanly can do to help keep everything going well. We do continue to remember that God is in control of everything and no matter what we do He has control fulfill His will.

Please pray for all to go well, The doctor says that with each week the chance of a miscarriage is less but God is in control and already has the live span for this child decided.

1 comment:

Joel Engelsma said...

Congratulations! We pray that your baby will grow healthy and strong. Hope you are feeling well!