Saturday, December 3, 2011

Facebook: good or bad?

I am sure you are wondering why facebook is on my mind.. well I read a post of a friend who just recently deactivated her account for several reasons. She referred to this posting when making her final decision. I would have to say I agree with most of those points Erin mentions in the article. I know we are all guilty of it.. wasting time, cyber gossiping, feeling connected to all those "friends" we have... to name a few.

Deactivating myself from the facebook world seems more and more enticing as I think back to all the time I have wasted catching up on other people's lives. I was thinking recently, the only connection I have with some of my family is through facebook. Now that is just sad, isn't there some other way to show your family you are thinking of them and love them? Of course... e-mail, sending them a card through snail mail.. yes the post office is still around, that is not a thing of the past yet and I feel we should take advantage of that system. I know for myself I love getting mail with out having to get on the computer.

So I challenge you all to show your love and support to a family member or friend by using a different method then facebook.. or even better a different method then the computer! It will make their day I can guarantee it!


Here is the link to my friends page if you want to read her post.

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